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Master of Nursing

The Master of Nursing (MN) is a graduate degree program that focuses on advanced nursing practice and leadership.

What is it About?

The Master of Nursing study program is part of the Unpad Faculty of Nursing. The history of the Unpad Faculty of Nursing began when the Nursing Science Study Program was founded in 1994. Along with developments and demands for needs, the Nursing Science Study Program, which was previously under the Faculty of Medicine, was legalized to become the Faculty of Nursing on June 8, 2005. Thus, the Faculty of Nursing officially became one of the faculties at Padjadjaran University. The Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University (FKEP Unpad), as the second oldest center for Nursing Higher Education in Indonesia, is required to produce high-quality nursing human resources. On September 2, 2013, the Faculty of Nursing changed its name to Faculty of Nursing (FKEP). This name change took into account that nursing education was not only academic but also included professional education, so what was previously known as the Faculty of Nursing became the Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University.

The educational level of the Nursing Masters Study Program is the Master's Education level based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) at level eight in accordance with Presidential Regulation no. 8 of 2012 concerning the Indonesian National Qualification Framework and in accordance with Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning Higher Education National Standards. The graduate degree in the Master of Nursing Study Program is Master of Nursing, which is abbreviated as M. Kep. Currently, the Unpad master of nursing campus is on the Jatinangor campus. The Master of Nursing Study Program is supported by home-based lecturers who have the qualifications of professor, doctor and master of nursing and are supported by adequate facilities for offline, online and hybrid learning, as well as qualified educational staff.

What Will I Study?

Courses to be studied by students in the Master of Nursing Study Program consist of core courses (26 credits), specialization courses (12 credits), and elective courses (2 credits). The core courses consist of Philosophy of Science, Science in Nursing, Quantitative Research, Biostatistics, Qualitative Research, Proposals (Theses), Evidence-Based Practice, Promotion of Health & Education in Nursing, Leadership in Health Systems, Disaster Management, and Thesis. Specialization courses consist of critical specialization, community specialization, KMB specialization, Mental specialization, children specialization, management specialization and maternity specialization. Elective courses consist of Systematic Review and Writing Manuscripts, Integrated Palliative Care, and Holistic and Transcultural Nursing.

Why Study With Us?

The advantage of the Unpad Master of Nursing compared to other institutions is that the Unpad Master of Nursing provides services to students, namely Hybrid learning methods, Blended Learning, and E-Learning that allow students to learn from the workplace, Offline and virtual lecture and laboratory facilities, Field of nursing practice in clinical and community settings as well as in their respective workplaces, Guidance with lecturers and clinical instructors with flexible time, Publication of students and lecturers in National and International Reputable Journals (Scopus), Research Grants, Student Exchange and Sandwich Program Opportunities. In addition, the Unpad master of nursing program has topics of excellence in critical and disaster nursing.

Career Paths

The Nursing Masters Education Curriculum is prepared by considering the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) and the National Higher Education Standards (SNPT). The preparation of the Master of Nursing curriculum is based on philosophical, sociological, psychological, historical and juridical foundations related to Nursing. Each higher Education Institution develops the Higher Education Curriculum concerning the SNPT for each Study Program, including intellectual intelligence, noble character, and skills.

The Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) is a competency qualification framework that can juxtapose, equalize, and integrate between the education and job training fields as well as work experience to provide recognition of work competencies according to the job structure in various sectors. Learning outcomes are abilities obtained through the internalization of knowledge, attitudes, skills, competencies, and work experience accumulation. Unpad Faculty of Nursing Masters Education in accordance with the IQF, states that equalization of learning outcomes is produced through Education, stating that the lowest Masters Education graduates have learning achievements equivalent to IQF level 8. Master of Nursing Study Period:

  • It can be taken in a maximum of 4 (four) academic years.

  • Master of Nursing Core Curriculum:

  • The Nursing Masters Program can be taken for a minimum of 1.5 years (three semesters).

  • Aipni Core Curriculum for Masters Programs: 28 credits

  • Thesis: 6 – 8 credits

  • Elective: 2 credits

  • PRODI has: 12 credits for Characteristics/Specialization of Masters Study Program

  • Aipni Standard for Number of Credits for Masters Programs: 40 credits


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