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International Undergraduate Program (IUP)

Universitas Padjadjaran also provides the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) to provide experience studying abroad to Indonesian students. The IUP is a special class for Foreign International and Indonesian students to pursue undergraduate degrees in selected undergraduate programs with uniquely designed learning methods that conform to international standards. During a several-month study abroad program at overseas university partners, lectures will be given in English.


The undergraduate programs included in the IUP are as follows,

  1. Accounting *)

  2. Management *)

  3. Economics *)

  4. Dentistry

  5. Pharmacy

*) IUP FEB accepts all school graduates from both natural sciences majors and social sciences majors.

The quota for international undergraduate programs (IUP) is around 10% - 20% of the total quota for undergraduate SMUP.


To view more information and requirements for International Undergraduate Program (IUP), please visit the following link.

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