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Master of Communication Science

The Master of Communication Science is a graduate degree program that focuses on the study of human communication and its role in society.

What is it About?

Master of Communication Science Study Program is a study program at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, one of the best universities in Indonesia. Located in the Jatinangor educational area, close to the provincial capital of West Java, Bandung, Master of Communication Science Study Program is intended for graduates of undergraduate or equivalent programs so that they are able to practice and develop science and/or technology through scientific reasoning and research and develop students to become intellectuals, cultured scientists, able to enter and/or create jobs and develop themselves into professional.

What Will I Study?

Lecture activities at the Master of Arts in Communication Sciences, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran, begin with matriculation and general lecture activities for all new students.

  • Semester I: Strengthening in the field of science and communication theory (Philosophy of Communication Science, Quantitative Research Methods, Study and Development of Communication and Information Theory, Strategic Communication, Organisational Communication and Behaviour, and Multicultural Communication)

  • Semester II: Strengthening application theory and methodology (Qualitative Research Methods, Communication Technology, and Behavioural Change). In addition, students in semester II take elective courses according to their respective interests. After completing semester 1 and 2, in semester 3, students conduct a Research Proposal Seminar (RPS) and after being declared graduated, students have the right to prepare Thesis Research Proposal. RPS is carried out in front of the supervisory committee and examiners/reviewers. After passing SPR, the thesis writing can begin, until it is completed and defend in front of the examiners/reviewers.

Why Study With Us?

The Master of Communication Sciences Study Program has carried out the teaching and learning process for more than 15 years with very good performance, this can be seen by always obtaining A accreditation. Communication Science Masters Study Program Universitas Padjadjaran is one of the places that students go to study communication science in Indonesia, and also is one of the destinations for foreign students to study communication science. The trend of enthusiasts also unequivocally shows very well so far. Supported by an admissions system and with strict requirements, it is hoped that qualified candidates will be obtained, supported by lecturers who have doctoral qualifications that are relevant to the study program and a very good student-lecturer ratio.


The curriculum of the Master of Arts in Communication Sciences, Fikom Unpad, includes the study load described in core courses (28 credits), elective courses according to specialisation (9 credits), research proposal seminars (2 credits), and thesis (6 credits). Therefore, to achieve graduation as a Master of Communication Science, a student load is 44 credits. If it is converted to ECTS, the number of credits is equivalent to 77.4 ECTS. Courses in the first semester include communication ontology (Philosophy, Study of Communication and Information Theory and Development), communication epistemology (Quantitative & Qualitative Research Methods), and communication planning development and design (Strategic Communication, Organisational Communication & Behaviour, and Communication of Multiculturalism). In the second semester, courses include Science and Technology and Social Change (i.e., Communication Technology and Social Change courses), and axiology and specialisations (courses in each specialisation). In the third semester, students of Master of Arts Programme are able to conduct a Research Proposal Session (RPS) in accordance with the requirements, and after RPS is declared to have passed and has revised the research proposal approved by the Supervisors, students can conduct field research or library research, followed by thesis preparation. Thesis is the last course, whose session score will be combined with previous GPA to produce a graduation score. The study time is scheduled for four semesters, and in its implementation, it can be taken a maximum of three semesters and a maximum of eight semesters or four years.

Career Paths

Master of Communication Studies Study Program has an important role in preparing graduates to become experts in their respective fields. Graduates of the Master of Communication Studies Program have the following graduate profiles:

a. Researchers who can develop science and technology through inter- or multi-disciplinary research and innovations that benefit society

b. Academics who master the theory and application of communication and information.

c. Consultants who are able to provide answers to inter- or multi-disciplinary changes in science and technology for the benefit of society.


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