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Master of Biotechnology (AQAS Accreditation)

The Master of Biotechnology program has the vision to produce graduates who can become academics, professional researchers, leaders, and entrepreneurs in various fields of biotechnology who have the latest scientific views and can solve scientific and technical problems in a multidisciplinary manner.

The program is according to the standards required by stakeholders, both at the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia/KKNI) and International (International Council of Biotechnology Associations) levels. Graduates are expected to have the latest knowledge in the field of biotechnology and master the latest skills in the field of biotechnology that they are interested in.

The curriculum of the Master of Biotechnology program is prepared and designed based on multidisciplinary developments in the field of biotechnology using the Outcome-Based Curriculum (OBC) method. The development of the curriculum is based on the profile of graduates of the Master of Biotechnology program and the Learning Outcomes of the study program. The Master of Biotechnology program aims to produce graduates who can:

  1. Design up-to-date research proposals following the latest needs and carry out research in the field of biotechnology, publish it in reputable international journals or produce a work that is directly beneficial to the community.

  2. Convey knowledge, ideas, and opinions related to various areas in the field of biotechnology.

  3. Apply research results in the field of biotechnology, products, and methods by utilizing local resources.

  4. Apply knowledge in the field of biotechnology to improve bioprocesses and efficiency in the field of biotechnology.

  5. Become a leader in various areas of biotechnology.

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