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Master of Agricultural Industrial Technology

The MAIT Study Program is a Masters’s Degree Study Program and a professional path under the The Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology (FTIP) Universitas Padjadjaran.

What is it About?

The MAIT Study Program is a Masters’s Degree Study Program and a professional path under the The Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology (FTIP) Universitas Padjadjaran. The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education awarded the MAIT-FTIP study program B predicate (SK Number 3083/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/XI/2018 dated November 14, 2018).

The MAIT Study Program offers a master's education that ensures students are able to synthesize new ways to gain expertise in their knowledge, contextualize the application of their research, design technology with relevant business sense. Students are also ensured to be connected to the ecosystem of agro-industry, technology and creative business which will be an important pillar of the continuation of their knowledge

What Will I Study?

The learning process in The MAIT Study Program is focused on understanding process technology wrapped with business orientation capabilities that have a broad impact on society in the form of purpose-led business with innovative business models and ecosystems

Why Study With Us?

The MAIT Study Program offers master's level learning to produce superior outcomes-oriented graduates where graduates have superior mastery of process technology in the context of sustainable agro-industry. An integrated technology learning process ensures that graduates are outcomes-oriented by producing superior, agile and adaptive agro-industry efforts from the results of their transformative research


A. Learning and Research

  • The three learning semesters focus on understanding process technology with a Design Thinking approach

  • Courses are blocked to synergize the integration of courses in each semester

  • Prioritizing project bases that are in accordance with market needs carried out from semesters 1 to 3.

  • Implementation of learning using the Flipped Classroom approach and courses will be delivered in a Hybrid manner, namely through the Learning Management System (LMS) for various interests of mastering knowledge and theory as well as offline meetings for integrated practicum sessions in the context of a project to build an agricultural industry.

  • The learning process ensures students get enrichment by connecting them with innovative industrial and business ecosystems through the involvement of business people, creative ecosystems and beneficiary communities in the learning process

  • Research as a requirement for master graduation is carried out using the Transformative Research method, carried out from semesters 1 to 3 which is synergized with the learning process through its stages

B. Product Development and Research

Research is based on future market opportunities, ensured that in every product development process, the learning will use the basic values expressed in the Agile Manifesto:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  • Working products & program over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiations

  • Responding to change over following a plan

C. Community Service Activities

Contextualization of research results is implemented in society in the form of social business models from technology-based businesses which make them have innovative business models to maintain the sustainability of technological innovations.

Career Paths

Graduates from this master's program can play a role as decision makers in the field of agro-industry, future researcher, entrepreneurs, creative industry actors, industrial mobilizers in society and state civil apparatuses


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