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Master of Accounting (ABEST21 Accredited)

Master of Accounting program is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in accounting and finance. The program typically takes two to three years to complete, depending on the student's academic background and course load.

What is it About?

MAcc was established in 2000, aims to produce graduates who are able to master and develop accounting science, accounting knowledge in professional practice and other disciplines through research with inter or multidisciplinary approaches that are beneficial to the national and international community and are also beneficial for the development of accounting science, and play a role at least as a manager in the fields of financial reporting, auditing, information system development, taxation and other accounting fields in corporate and government institutions and other public sectors.

What Will I Study?

The distribution of courses has been cohesively designed to cover four semesters, and students are required to attend the three types of course described below:

  1. in the first and second semesters, students take general compulsory modules and concentration modules dependent on their specific major in order to gain competencies in values of morality, plurality and empathy, in accounting concepts and theories, in general skills, including basic accounting concept, and in developing accounting implementation in practice

  2. in the third and fourth semesters, students learn skills in competency inter/multidisciplinary research, scientific publication, self-development, and accounting ethics;

  3. minoring courses that include one elective modules of concentration, to be completed during the second semester

Why Study With Us?

The Master of Accounting Program (MAcc) has been actively involved in professional associations, especially the Indonesian Association of Accountants Educator Accountant Compartment (IAI KAPd), where the Chair of the M.Acc Unpad study program has been deputy chairman of the education sector since 2018 and has been President of the ASEAN Accounting Education Work Group since 2015, as well as being chairman in the field of foreign cooperation at the Association of Indonesian Masters in Accounting Program Managers (APPSAI) in 2022-2024. Through the active role of the Head of the M.Acc Study Program, Unpad M.Acc Study Program has enabled it to become a benchmark for other similar study programs.


The masters programs in the Faculty of Economics and Business is expected to obtain total number of ECTS up to 80 ECTS even though the formal minimum requirements is around 60 ECTS. Many programs are offered and are obliged for the students to attend in each postgraduate study programs in FEB to obtain additional ECTS such as: join workshops, community services, international seminars & conferences, internships as well as exchange programs to overseas universities.

MAcc Curriculum is designed by adopting International Accounting Education Standards (IES) issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), OBE approach as well as Public accounting practitioners from the Big Four and Professional Accountants in Business (PAIB) from multinational companies to participate in learning;

The Master of Accounting Program has been actively involved in professional associations, especially the Indonesian Association of Accountants Educator Accountant Compartment (IAI KAPd), the ASEAN Accounting Education Work Group since 2015 and the Association of Indonesian Masters in Accounting Program Managers (APPSAI) in 2022-2024.

Career Paths

Accounting researchers, accounting managers, accounting consultants, audit managers, and public accountants. By having accounting knowledge as a basis, they can be used in various sectors to be used as research material.


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